Hello and welcome to my March 2019 blog income report! If you’ve ever wondered how to make money as a blogger & get inspired by reading blogging income reports, this post will show you how to turn your blog into a profitable side hustle!
I published my first income report back in February to show you it’s possible to make money online with a small blog.
You’re probably wondering why I wanted to share personal information on my income with the public. Honestly, I was debating whether or not I should share my income with the world because I was afraid that it would come across as bragging. That’s definitely not the case. My sincere dream is to help others who want to earn extra money on top of their full-time jobs. Plus blogging income reports are what motivated me to start blogging in the first place!
Believe it or not, I had so many fears when I first started blogging. These were: fear of putting myself out there, fear of self-promotion, fear of rejection, and the fear of not being good enough.
Despite these fears, I’m determined because deep down I know that blogging has many positive benefits that align with the big goals I have set for myself. These goals are so much more important to me then silly fears I know I will get over.

Read the latest income report!
Learn how this tiny blog made $5,500 passively last month in my latest income report.
I share some of the affiliate programs that have made me the most money as well as some of the automation platforms that help my small business grow (without costing me a lot of money).
The only hosting service I recommend using
If you read blogging income reports often and want to start your own, I recommend to start blogging today with the same hosting company I use, Bluehost!
I am so happy to announce that I was able to negotiate a really low monthly subscription for my readers. For a limited time, you can start your blog for only $2.95/month when you sign up with Bluehost That’s over 50% off regular pricing!
BONUS!!: As a thank you to those of you that sign up through my link 🙂 make sure to message me here, & I’ll add you to my Share The Blog Love group board on Pinterest, so you can get a jump start on your blogging career by promoting your posts to over 140,000 followers!
If you would like to learn more, please head over to my easy step-by-step tutorial for beginners here.
With each article that I publish, I can feel my confidence growing. I receive emails and comments from readers saying how a post helped them or how it made their day better. I’m so blown away to the point of actual tears. So thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog! I’m so grateful for every single one of you.
Normally I write 4-6 posts a month. I’ve been slacking recently due to personal problems
If you like the idea of making an extra couple hundred per month, you can start your very own blog today with the same hosting company I use.
Of course, these are affiliate links so I make a small commission every time you buy something. This helps me get free coffee here and there! Visit my privacy policy & disclosure for more info.
So are you ready to read my march income breakdown and learn how to make money as a blogger?
Let’s dive right in!
March Income Breakdown
- Awin – $120
- Impact Radius – $101.50
- ShareASale – $46.78
- Adsense – $33.85
- ConvertKit – $34
- Flexoffers – $51
- Amazon – $5.76
Total: $392.29
Bloggers can make money a ton of different ways. This includes sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and advertising. Here’s a breakdown of how I earned $ this month. Hopefully, this helps!
Adsense – Google’s adsense is very easy to apply to. You don’t need any traffic, just a privacy policy stating that you receive commission from ads placed on your blog, and a couple of posts. I made $33.85 this month from Adsense.
Mediavine – Once you reach 25,000 sessions per month you can apply to
Affiliate Marketing
Another way bloggers make money is from Affiliate Marketing
ConvertKit – I’ve been blogging now for four months and trust me when I say I’ve read nearly everything I could read online about blogging. One regret that has been repeated by bloggers is that they didn’t start an email list FROM DAY ONE. If you’re brand new at blogging I suggest downloading the free plugin Sumome to collect emails, BUT and this is a big BUTTTTT, there’s a limit to 200 subscribers and once you reach that limit you have to choose a plan that’s $39 per month. ConvertKit is $29 a month plus they have a useful blog that gives actionable tips that I used to maximize my email marketing strategy.
Impact Radius – I promote Hostgator through Impact Radius and get $50 per referral through my Start A Blog Article and Email course. I’m also an affiliate for Swagbucks that gets me $1.50 per signup. Impact is a little harder to get accepted to into but you can meet their requirements here.
Interested? Click here to see if Flexoffers can work for you
There you have it! My blog income report for March. Hope this helps!
For more blogging income reports & tips on how to make money as a blogger make sure to read my complete guide on how to start a profitable blog!