A 30-day challenge can be a great way to get out of a rut and kickstart a positive change in your life.
There’s no better time to kickstart a 30-day challenge than RIGHT NOW.
As the name suggests, a 30-day challenge involves adopting one new habit for 30 days. It’s a fun way to try something new for a specific period of time, and imposing a 30-day limit helps keeps big habit changes less intimidating.
You see, I’ve never been one for setting New Year’s resolutions as I find long-term goals only get me fired up for a short period of time before they start to feel too overwhelming.
Instead of writing out a bunch of big goals I know I will lose interest in within the first 3 months of the year, I try to identify areas I’d like to develop both personally and professionally.
I then commit to several 30-day challenge ideas throughout the year to help me stay motivated in adopting new habits.
I am definitely more motivated to stick with smaller, short-term goals, and after experimenting with a few 30-day challenges last year it ACTUALLY CHANGED MY FRICKIN’ LIFE
So today I wanted to share a couple of transformative 30-day challenges that definitely keep you occupied this winter. Hopefully, these habits will help you along your own personal development journey and help you become the best version of yourself.
All challenges require dedication and, of course, something that will motivate you, like a reward for example. One 30-day goal hack is to have visual remainders all around you that remind you about your goal all throughout the day. I personally like to create custom pins that I attach to clothing, keychains, or even a backpack to act as a physical reminder of the goals I’d like to accomplish. Not to mention, when you accomplish said goal, a customized pin will remind you of how much you accomplished over the month.
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Here are a couple of great 30-day challenges to start today:
- Yoga Challenge! Yoga With Adriene has a FREE 30-day yoga challenge on youtube. Click here to watch Day 1
- Set a specific daily fitness goal (i.e. 100 squats, 100 crunches, 100 pushups)
- Write X pages/words per day
- Try a new diet – Go vegan, keto, or vegetarian for a month.
- 30-day Veggie Challenge – Have one meal consist of only veggies for an entire month!
- Walk 10,000 steps every day (THIS HABIT CHANGED MY LIFE COMPLETELY!!)
- Read for 30-60 minutes every day. Read something non-fiction where you can learn something new & apply it to your life. I recently wrote a post about the 15 books that changed my life. Click here to read my must-read recommendations.
- Spend 30-60 minutes each day working on a side hustle – NOW is the best time to start an online business!
- Drink 5-8 glasses of water daily
- Spend one hour learning a new skill – photography, cooking, a new language are really great skills to acquire!
- Meditate &/or Breathwork
- Make an extra $100 every day – Earning an extra $3000 this month is much easier than you think! Click here to read my blog post on 15 creative ways to make an extra $100 today
- Make a vision board and add to it every day
- Pick one area of your life to declutter every day. (closets, kitchen cabinets, Gmail, car, etc)
- Keep a dream journal
- 30-days of GIVING – Give one thing to a new person every day, or donate $10-$15 to a new charity once daily.
- Keep a journal where you write your favorite thing that happened each day
- Add to a Gratitude list every day
- Give up electronics after dinner or don’t check your phone for the first hour after you wake up.
- 30-DAY SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX – They say comparison is the root of all evil, and I will often find myself comparing myself to others via social media. In the past, deleting Instagram & Facebook off of my phone for 30 days really helped me get in touch with what I want in life rather than modeling my life goals around what I see on social media.
- Have 5 minutes of free-dance time where you dance with no self-judgment
- Create a self-love page where you add one thing you love about yourself each day
- Write a love note or thank you note to somebody each day
- Get 8 hours of sleep each night
- Wake up 15 minutes earlier or try to wake up at 5 AM
- Stick to a daily morning routine – read my blog post on 9 habits to add to your morning routine
- Publish one new piece of content every day (blog, youtube, IG, a podcast, e.t.c.)
- Speak to one new person every day
- Reach out to one new person that you look up to every day
- Send one resume out daily
- Listen to one new Podcast episode
- Give up caffeine
- Stop wearing makeup for 30 days (this one should be easy)
- Don’t complain about anything for 30 days
- Keep an “idea journal” where you write one new idea each day
- Keep a “quote journal” where you write down powerful things other people say
- Have a positive mantra &/or affirmation to repeat throughout the day
- Do one random act of kindness every day
- Quit a bad habit (i.e. smoking, biting your nails, swearing) and replace it with a good one
- Do a “no spend” challenge where you don’t buy anything new (besides necessities)
- Spend 30 min painting or drawing every day
- Do research on a new topic of interest
- Create a spending budget and stick to it
- Listen to one TED talk every day
I hope you find this list of 30-day challenge ideas inspiring!
Remember to be realistic and choose goals that are manageable, to focus on one challenge at a time, and to find a way to replace bad habits with healthier alternatives. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and productive year ahead!
Which challenge did you choose this month??? Let’s keep each other accountable in the comment section bellow
If you enjoyed this collection of 30-day challenge ideas, please share this post on Pinterest!
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