Ever wondered how to create pins that go viral on Pinterest? Learn how I create viral Pinterest pins and the strategy I use to promote my business on Pinterest!
It was on a crisp October morning exactly two months ago, when I decided to take an idea that’s been on my mind for a while now and finally bring it to life.
You know that high you get when you start a new venture – you’re sitting there imagining how successful you’ll be, and somehow, one day, it will change your life for the better… It will hopefully open doors and create new opportunities… Exciting, I know.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you probably haven’t started a blog yet. Hopefully one day you’ll join the community of online entrepreneurs as we use our combined forces to escape the 9-5. Blogging is not only a great way to make money online, but it also is a great way to turn your hobbies into a full-time income.
Want to make some extra money this month? Read these:
The Complete Guide To Starting A Profitable Blog In 2024
15 Creative Ways To Make $100 Every Day In 2024
How To Make Money On Pinterest For Beginners
Learn How I made $3,278 Blogging in September
Freebies: 67-Page Minimal Budget Planner For 2024
How To Land Your first job on Upwork in 24 hours
While I was sitting there daydreaming, must’ve gone to my head, because when I tried to change my account info to the new name, email, and domain of the new blog all at once – Pinterest logged me out of my account due to “suspicious activity.” As a security precaution, they informed me that they sent me an email to set up a new password for my account.
Some things you just shouldn’t try doing before your morning cup of coffee.
Great I thought, let me go to into my email and.. shit.. I remembered that I had signed up with my old work email that I had deleted months ago. I reached out to support a couple of times but there was nothing they could do.
I was permanently locked out of my 4-year-old Pinterest account.
It was upsetting, my old account was getting around 500k impressions a month and had amassed a bit of a following.
I had no other option but to start a new account.
Challenge accepted. I thought I’d do a little experiment to see how fast I could grow a new account with everything I had learned over the past four years on Pinterest.
On October 24th I opened a new account. Flash forward to today, I have grown my account to 2 million monthly viewers so far. Not bad. I’ve incorporated some tricks that I’ve picked up over the years but honestly couldn’t spend more than 20 minutes a day on the site.
Today is December 26th and here are my current Pinterest demographics:

Why it’s important to share your blog posts on Pinterest
Within my first month

Ready to learn how I create viral Pinterest pins and the strategy I use to promote my business on Pinterest?
Without further ado, these are the exact steps that I took to grow my account to over 2 MILLION monthly impressions in just TWO MONTHS.
Update: My current monthly impressions are up to 50 million per month using this same strategy

Step 1: Sign up for a Pinterest Business Account
I absolutely LOVE Pinterest.
I immediately signed up for a Pinterest business account the second time around. Although this is not necessary, it is if you want to unlock the analytics part of Pinterest in order to track your progress. There are a lot of other features that the business account has over a normal account, and I’m assuming that you are going to use your account as a marketing channel to your business.
Having a Business account gives you “rich analytics.”
Rich Pins shows you which pins are performing the best (how many impressions the pin is getting & which ones are getting repined the most) so you have a clearer understanding of what works and doesn’t work for your business/blog.
Step 2: Make your profile look nice and professional
I threw up a nice professional photo and wrote a description that highlighted some of the niches that my business targets.
Make sure to put one or two niches that your business targets in your business name.
Pro tip: Put a bar |followed by the niches your business focuses on. If you’re editing your name on your computer, the amount of letters in your name maxes out at 30 characters. But if you use the Pinterest application on your phone (available in the App store) you can make your name as long as you want.
Step 3: Start following similar accounts
Showing some sort of social proof (ie. number of followers) is important if you want to be taken seriously. Not to mention, when you want to develop your brand, share new posts, and later on even sell affiliate products – these followers are going to be your initial audience. The bigger, the better. Today, only two months into my new account, I have grown to over 4300 new followers.
I suggest writing down a list of every blogger that you wish to emulate – the pro-bloggers that dominate your niche and start following the people that follow them.
Step 4: Re-pin relevant posts
There are 200 million users that use Pinterest monthly and it is the best way to get traffic to any website.
This is why I’m so focused on implementing Pinterest into my business strategy by using it to promote my content & blog posts. I honed in my blog niches – entrepreneurship, online business, and personal finance.
I started re-pinning relevant blog posts from other bloggers in my niche – like crazy.
Why post other bloggers stuff you might ask? Because it’s the best way for you to start ranking in the search results for that niche, in the event that you haven’t written any blog posts yet. Traffic begets more traffic. It’s hard in the beginning, but when the ball starts rolling, it doesn’t stop.
Step 5: Apply to Group Boards:
Once I pinned my first 1500 pins & gained 1500 followers – took me around 2 weeks – I started applying to group boards.
Group Boards are crucial to Pinterest success. This is because you are gaining access to the followers of the individual that created the board. I first looked for some big accounts, not all of them responded. Hey, no hard feelings.
I was accepted to 8 boards with around 10-38k followers each. Within a couple of days, I had a total reach of a little over 130,000 people, all thanks to the group boards.
How to apply to group boards:
You want to make sure to apply to a group board that is specific to your topic of interest. If you are a “food blogger” only apply to other food boards and not to general “share your blog post” boards that cover multiple topics. This will hurt your post SEO and the Pinterest algorithm will IGNORE YOUR POST
Visit the board page that you want to join and on the right-hand corner are little circles. These are the board contributors. The first circle should be the owner of the board. Once you add the owner, you can message him/her with the following prompt:
I’m (YOUR NAME), (here you can add a little description of yourself, ie. blog owner, travel enthusiast)
I would love to be invited to your board (NAME OF BOARD)
Include a link to your Pinterest page, website URL and maybe even your email.
Thank you and have a wonderful day
It’s that easy.
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