Boss Lady— /Baws LAY-dee/ – A confident and independent woman who takes charge of her life. A Girl Boss, to me, is a savvy businesswoman who conquers life with fearlessness but also takes time to smell the roses. She works on her mindset, sticks to healthy habits, and knows the secret sauce to success. She learns the habits of successful women and implements them into her daily routine.
✨ How To Become A Powerful Boss Babe and Success-magnet ✨
My journey to becoming a stronger, more productive business owner, investor, and blogger hasn’t been an easy one. My ambitions in life have forced me to make some sacrifices and remove a lot of things from my life so I can focus on the greatest project in my life – myself. These following habits are an incremental part of my personal development journey and helped me with becoming a better version of myself.
I’ve learned so much during this journey… and even picked up some of these habits of successful women!
This is your season to shine ✨ It’s time to ditch the bullsh*t – the toxic friends the ambivalent f-boys, and start focusing on how you are going to step into the next chapter in your life – the one where you take time to love yourself and treat yourself to everything you’ve ever wanted in life. This post is just a small reminder that you got this! This is your year. Our year. All you got to do is claim it 👸🏽🙌🏽✨
So with that, we have the most important reminders to help you keep striving toward your goals in business. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the following 11 habits of successful women!
She sets goals & sticks to them
A girl boss is a do-it-all girl who is always on top of her game and is a time-management queen. She plans everything ahead of time so she isn’t met with any surprises and is always prepared if any unfortunate circumstance arises. As for me, planning out my life keeps me on track and reduces the risk of missing important deadlines or events. I also plan ahead just in case life throws something my way, then I can be prepared to take it on.
Setting goals is already a habit of successful women, but more importantly, holding yourself accountable and following through with them is mandatory.
A master tip for goal setting: Create one large goal that will take up to a year, then break it down into smaller goals that are monthly, weekly and even daily to achieve it without a sweat.
If you haven’t found a good scheduler that works for you, or find weekly planners lackluster, I highly suggest getting a bullet journal. It cured my insane ADHD and changed my life overnight. It’s no secret that I love bullet journaling & as an entrepreneur, there are so many different tasks and ideas that pop up throughout the day. My schedule is incredibly dynamic which means I’m often wearing so many hats at once.
Don’t know how to start Bullet Journaling? Here are some articles that I wrote on bullet journaling, some cute setups you might like, and where you can get Bujo materials, ✨✨
Bullet Journal on a Budget – The Best Bullet Journal Supplies.
20 Bullet Journal Ideas and Layouts
10 Bullet Journal Hacks You’ll Want To Steal
She’s Self-aware & Remains Objective.
Self-reflection is the willingness to learn more about our true selves, our deeper purpose and our unique needs. It means that we take a step back from the life we are used to be living and we start digging deeper into ourselves to discover our true purpose.
In this blog post on self-reflection you can find the questions that you need to ask yourself in order to figure out who you are and what you need from your life. I do this journal exercise once a month as a reminder that I do still have individual & deeper needs that need to be met. These questions will help you to stop living life based on what other people expect from you and start living up to your own dreams and goals.
It’s important to release judgment when you’re self-reflecting, as sometimes the voice does come up, and sometimes it’s tough to discern what’s truth from over criticism. Just remember that you’re not the same person that you were yesterday and if you’ve up messed up in life, you probably would make a different decision now. They say hindsight is 20-20. Nobody is perfect. Forgive yourself.
Know that great things are coming your way and that everyone gets a second chance in life.
This is important to remember when life kicks you down, whether you have a flat tire or a cracked phone, instead of looking at it as a negative experience, a girlboss remains objective and looks at it as a challenge; a chance to learn more.
When you focus on the good, the good gets better.
So while you’re out there welcoming all of this beautiful abundant energy into your life, only make time for what matters and what is going to add value to your life whether socially, emotionally or physically, and say no to whatever doesn’t. Also, know when to say no to anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose.
I once heard the saying “By saying no to something you don’t want to do, you are saying yes to yourself”, and I wholeheartedly believe that.
For More Practical Self-Improvement Tips
70 Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery
5 Empowering Books for Female Entrepreneurs
9 Habits to Add to Your Morning Routine For A Great Day
15 Books That Will Change Your Life
20 Ways To Practice Self-Care
She loves learning new things
The first business asset you should invest in is In YOURSELF. Investing in your knowledge can take the form of listening to podcasts, reading informative books, & going to seminars.
As the saying goes, the more you learn, the more you earn.
Making the time to read books on new subjects is the single best life-changing habit that I have implemented. I usually alternate between reading a fun fiction novel and one self-improvement book every other week.
Here is one of my favorite books that I think EVERY boss babe should read…
You Are A Badass
by Jen Sincero
It’s a paradigm shift for your belief in yourself and will teach you how to self-love.
This book will help you get your sh*t together and believe in yourself. You will learn how to reconnect with yourself (and a higher power) to bring greatness into your life. It all starts with you and how you think and believe. Pick this book up. Follow what she says to do & manifest your most awesomest life.
Try to learn something new at least every other day. Whether it be a word in a foreign language, watching an inspiring TED talk, or listening to a podcast. In today’s world, there is a ton of information put out daily, and it’s all at our fingertips. Take advantage of that.
If you have some free time, definitely check out my list of favorite podcasts.
She’s Smart With Her Finances
Finances are one of the most crucial things to learn how to deal with once you start working.
Making a budget, keeping track of where your money goes, and saving will help you understand how you are spending and you will learn how to manage your money in a way that benefits you now, and also a way that will benefit your future.
Successful women have a savings account with enough money to last them for at least the next couple of months. They have a plan for paying off credit cards and they stick to it.
Successful women also understand that the biggest flex is having their assets pay for their liabilities, not their salary. That’s the real boss babe energy every women should strive for.
Treat yourself occasionally but don’t forget to save a little each month for a rainy day. Three years ago I made a rule for myself that changed my finances forever. I decided that anytime I want to splurge on something I take the same amount of money and invest it. So if I want to but a $300 pair of shoes I also have to buy $300 worth of stocks. It made me re-evaluate how much I really wanted something once I had to save 2x for it.
Thanks to this rule, I now have a significant investment portfolio that allows me the freedom to focus on developing my side hustles and online businesses.
She is a morning person
Some of the most successful people on this planet attribute a proper sleeping schedule as one of their biggest factors for success. Sleep is so important for our bodies and our minds. It manages our appetite, balances our mood, helps us focus and maximizes productivity. You need sleep for your body to recoup and slay life, so make sure you do whatever you can to get enough every night.
Scientists recommend 7-10 hours of sleep every night. For me, I can get by on 6 with a good cup of coffee in the morning. But this only works if I go to sleep at 12-1am. My recommendation is to be in bed by latest 2 am. If I get less sleep then usual my day will be absolutely ruined. If I don’t sleep well I feel anxious the next day, get easily overwhelmed with things, & suffer from the worst brain fog, that makes it impossible for me to concentrate on anything. No bueno.
The most important thing when it comes to sleeping properly is to stick to a consistent sleeping schedule – go to sleep and wake up at EXACTLY the same time. Getting your body used to waking up early isn’t as dramatic as it may seem. Your body will need a couple of days to adjust its sleeping patterns, but soon you will be waking up on your own and feeling energized.
She has bomb morning routine
A successful boss lady has a finely tuned morning routine so that she can focus on the things that actually require brainpower.
Start your morning off by opening the shades for some morning light and count 3 things you’re grateful for.. Splash your face with cold water to wake yourself up and start sipping on a tall glass of water.
A routine is especially important for those of us that work from home. Make sure your desk is clean and clear of anything distracting. Have a list already out and ready for you to conquer for the next day.
9 Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine For A Great Day
She Enjoys Time By Herself.
As important it is to go out into the world and smash your goals, taking the time for self-care and your mental health is equally as important. If all you have in a day is 30 minutes to yourself, make those 30 minutes all about you. Our bodies need downtime, don’t neglect yours.
Here are some ways to destress and chillax:
- Spend an evening by yourself
- Monthly treat
- Buy tickets in advance
- Join a group
- Pick up a new hobby
- Exercise
- Volunteer
- Hire a babysitter
Need help with relaxing? Check out this:
20 easy ways to practice self care.
She makes her health a priority.
Health is wealth, and there’s not a lot we can do in poor health. While researching the daily routines of many successful people, I learned that most, if not all, of them have an exercise routine and eat healthy food for the most part.
Now this may seem obvious, but let’s really think about this.
When you eat pre-packaged and processed food, and also drink your weight in Coke, how do you feel?
Make an effort to eat more leafy greens and vegetables…. and don’t forget fruits!
By the way, how many glasses of water have you had today? Give yourself a second to pour yourself a glass and let’s move onto the next girl boss habit
She’s Organized.
Clutter in your life = clutter in your mind.
Any girl boss knows that in order to get your mind right, you need to work on your environment.
Getting organized is an amazing way to clear the clutter and make more room for success and invite productivity into your life.
If you’re free this weekend, go ahead and go through your drawers, closets, makeup, and workspace. Remove anything you haven’t used or worn in the past year, and pull up all of your favorite/most used things so that they are easier to access.
She Challenges others to be the best version of themselves and sets the standard.
A boss babe is kind and compassionate. Success comes in many forms and often it has nothing to do with money. Being kind and compassionate is an asset to your personality and will help others as much as it helps you.
Being a boss requires leadership, but I guarantee we can all think of one leader, celebrity or influencer that doesn’t lead the way they should. I always remind myself when problems arise that I set the standard in the room, and I am in control of only my reactions and emotions. By setting a positive and go-getter attitude in the workplace and your life, other’s around you feed off this good energy and do it too! It’s so important to set a standard that is role model worthy and continue to inspire others.
When I see somebody uninspired, doubting themself or just having a hard time, I always take it as my intention to remind them of the power they hold, that this feeling is momentary and that they are going to kick ass! Show them they are worthy and incredible and challenge them to fight through.
She Meditates and practices gratitude.
Meditation is more than just breathing. Being in a meditative state is going to help you focus, manage anxiety, and increase creativity.
Oprah claims it’s changed her life, and she’s only one of millions of people who meditate regularly for clarity and better wellbeing.
You will transform your mind and life in no time with meditation.
She Dresses Well & Looks Her Best.
The best habit you can have is to always make yourself feel and look your best. However it is to you, do it! Dress so you walk into a room confident in your shoes and proud of yourself. If that means wearing the same T shirt and pants like the other successful entrepreneurs to feel confident and focus other tasks, do what’s best for you. If it means wearing yoga pants because they make your booty look good, do it! For me, I feel confident in different things. Some days I need a good pair of high waisted jeans, other days I like to wear a good pair of heels. Know what makes you feel bomb and DO IT. OWN IT.
She’s Always Developing Better Habits.
Make it a habit to develop better habits 😏😂😘🤓
Creating a better life for yourself all starts with your habits. Habits are small changes in your life done over a period of time that lead to big results. You might not see or feel like they are making a difference in your life, but trust me, they are.
Listen, there’s no body on the face of the earth that is has the motivation needed to last them 24/7 365 days a year. Sometimes even the most ambitious people go through periods where they have ZERO motivation. Building habits is the one thing that will push you through these periods. Consistency is key to everything.
Say it with me:
The ‘little steps that I’m taking are major steps toward my growth. No step in insignificant.”
Self-discipline will be worth a lot more to you in the long run than motivation, so make it a point to work on it constantly.
Here are my top habits to implement into your daily routine that will 10x your life.
- Exercise 3x per week
- Establish a healthy diet
- Meal plan/prep
- Drink 8 glasses of water daily
- Watch your potions (often times its not what we eat, its how much we eat)
Productivity & Time Management
- Set small goals
- Time block
- Break up big tasks
- Do your most important/longest task first
- Make daily to-do lists
- Start your to-do list in the mornings
- Set due dates before the actual due date
- Take mini breaks in between tasks
Self Love
- Make time for self care
- Say one thing you like about yourself everyday
- Don’t be afraid to say no
- Establish a skincare routine
- Take time to rest
- Surround yourself with encouraging friends
- Take time everyday to work on your passion
- Do one thing for yourself everyday that you wouldn’t normally do
- Meditate daily
- Bible study
- Engage in regular prayer
- Journaling
- Daily Devotions
- Save 15% of your income per month
- Tithe 10% of your income per month
- Create a daily/weekly/monthly budget
- Read a finance book
- Shop without credit cards
She Knows How To Beat Procrastination
Everybody goes through pits of self-doubt and negativity, where procrastination creeps in and steals your productivity. A lot of times we procrastinate because we think we are going to fail or have already failed before we’ve even begun. Our minds blow our tasks out of proportion, telling us that we aren’t well-equipped, we don’t have enough time or it’s not going to be good enough, so we end up pushing it off until later.
I recently discovered the Pomodoro method of working and it’s a game changer. I put a timer on and work engaged for 25 minutes, that means no emails, no Instagram, Facebook, and no distractions. After 25 minutes I’ll take a 5-minute break and then start again. The first couple of times, it amazed me, how often I wanted to look at my phone etc, it showed how much time I was wasting.
Prioritizing your time into chunks maximizes productivity throughout the day because you are giving your brain an opportunity to take a break by switching between tasks. Science shows us that you can only focus on one thing 45 minutes to 1 hour at a time, so by switching to another task afterwards, you are giving your brain a much-deserved break before diving back into the task at hand.
Another tip to beat procrastination is to force yourself to tackle the biggest tasks first and then reward yourself. By doing this, you are training your brain to complete tasks right when you obtain them rather than pushing them off until later, thereby maximizing productivity. This has helped me a lot by not seeing tasks as being overwhelming, but manageable, and with the reward system, I have an incentive to get them done quicker.
She’s up for any challenge
A wise person once said, If your dreams don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough!
You may think that you’re ok with doing just the bare minimum in life but trust me, if you really look for it, I’m pretty sure there is something out there that you want sooooo badly that you are willing to bunker down and do everything in your power to attain it.
For some, it’s a car or designer item. For others, a dream trip or adventure. For me, all it takes is an afternoon on
Nothing lights a fire under my bum more than imagining my future self walking down the hallway of my dream house, fresh cup of coffee in hand, enjoying the beautiful view ahead of me. It’s something I can really feel.
Really let yourself imagine how you would feel if you were living your craziest most abundant life and go after it. Start a side hustle. Ask that guy out. Make new friends. Put in the work needed to get that raise.
There are so many blessings coming into your life at this very moment.
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Know of any other habits that successful women practice daily? Let me know in the comments below!
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Bullet Journal On A Budget: The Best Cheap Bullet Journal Supplies
20 Bullet Journal Ideas and Layouts
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