There are some days that are harder than others… and on those days we eat chocolate. lol, I’m kidding. But not really. My top favorite ways to practice self-care on Sundays or after I’ve had a bad day. Here are 20 things to add to your self-care routine!
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in trivial day-to-day activities that we forget to take care of the number one priority in our lives – ourselves! Believe it or not, many of the following can contribute to your personal development journey and help you in becoming a better version of yourself.
We pack on so many responsibilities that it’s easy to lose track of what’s important. Simple things can bring us back to our centers, revive our motivation, and set us up for our next big win. So take a few breaks throughout your day and treat yourself!
Here are some small things that you can add to your weekly self-care routine that will make you feel instantly better.
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- Go outside for a walk – Go out, get a breath of fresh air and make sure to walk in the sunny areas!
- Drink a lot of water – Count how many glasses did you drink today? Health authorities commonly recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses daily.
- Take a hike down an unknown trail – when was the last time you went on an adventure?
- Do a 15-minute workout that focuses on a problem area. Maybe you want to tone your abs or get rid of those stubborn love handles, now is the time.
- Prepare a healthy meal – Think energizing fruits and leafy greens.
- Make your own juice or go to a nearby juicery (When did going to Pressed Juicery ever make you feel bad?)
- Play with your dog/cat or find someone’s dog to play with. Now animal theft is not recommended so reaching out to a friend with a cute pup might just do the trick. 🙂
- Take a nice, hot, shower or a long relaxing bath. Pro Tip: Epsom salt baths are soothing for your muscles and will take away tension. Also, throwing a dash of tea tree oil or lavender oil will make you feel like a god/goddess after 🙂
- Go to your favorite coffee shop and people watch. I like to take a book along with me.
- Go for a jog – I’m personally addicted to the high that jogging gives me.
- Meditate – Focus on your breath. Inhale the good sh*t, exhale that bad sh*t. Download the Calm app and use it while in between activities, immediately after you wake up or before you go to sleep.
- Write a list of all of the things you are grateful for or repeat affirmations to yourself
READ MORE: 300+ Affirmations To Make You Feel Better - Dream a little – create a list of goals and break them down into monthly/weekly/daily steps. This can also mean identifying things in your life that need improvement. Make sure to read my post, 70 Questions & Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery.
- Listen to your favorite song and dance! Sing! Scream those lyrics at the top of your lungs! My landlord (who lives in the apartment above me) HATES me for this!
- Read a good book. If you’re looking for a book to read, check out these 15 books that made the BIGGEST impact on my life.
- Spend time with your family or facetime a loved one. Thank god for technology!
- Learn to do something new – try to align the new skill with one of the goals you listed in step 3
- TURN OFF YOUR PHONE or don’t go on social media for the rest of the day
- Watch a short motivational video on Youtube or listen to a podcast. I wrote a list of some of my favorite podcasts that I listen to that make me happier and also inspire me. You can check out some of my favorites by clicking here.
- Block/unfollow accounts on social media that bring down your self-confidence
What are things that you practice in your self-care routine? Let me know in the comments below!
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