“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
Marcus Aurelius
An alarm bell goes off in the distance. Your mind suddenly awakens with an influx of thoughts. Your eyes slowly open. Sunlight fills your room. A new day lies before you. Every day is filled with unexplored potential and opportunities. The opportunity to start things over and create a new you. A new day to start implementing morning routine habits.
It all starts with how you spend your mornings. According to research, how we spend the first three hours of the day makes or breaks us. If you don’t have a morning routine I highly suggest creating one. Creating a rock-solid routine is an incremental part of personal development and becoming a better version of yourself.
Write down a list of habits that you will complete each morning. A good habit is any behavior that benefits your physical, mental, and emotional health. Good habits will improve your overall well-being and make you feel prepared to conquer the day ahead of you.
Did you know that the most productive hours in the day happen just after you wake up? The first four hours of your day are your most productive, and your energy will drastically decrease after lunch.
A morning routine has made me:
- happier
- have less anxiety, only anticipation as to what the day has in store for me.
- energized, and in the zone.
- productive, my thoughts are fluid and I’m able to pump out content faster then ever.
Waking up early and having a rock-solid morning routine helps set the tone for the rest of the day.
Why your morning routine is setting you up for disaster
- You hit snooze and go back to sleep. You snooze you lose. Research shows that returning to interrupted sleep means starting an entirely new sleep cycle over again. When your alarm goes off the second time, it wakes you up in the middle of REM which leaves you more tired the second time around.
- You’re skipping breakfast – Your body just used up its reserve of nutrients and protein while you were sleeping so you’re crazy for not replenishing them when you wake up. You aren’t Iron man/woman. You need nutrients. See step 6 for some of my favorite recipes.
- You didn’t drink enough water the night before.
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1. Start your day the night before
I like to write a note for myself to wake up to. Included in the note are responsibilities for the next day, goals, and a simple positive quote just to put a smile on my face to start the day in a positive way.
For my responsibilities, aka to-do list, I like to use the Eisenhower method. President Eisenhower believed in separating daily actions into four different categories:
- Urgent and important (tasks you will do immediately)
- Important, but not urgent (tasks you will save for later)
- Urgent, but not important (tasks you’ll pass to someone else)
- Neither urgent nor important (tasks you’ll eliminate)
Also, make sure to put your room in order. Waking up with clothes everywhere or seeing a messy desk is a surefire way to start the day off on the wrong foot.
I also like to put together my outfit for the next day. This is especially important if I plan to work out the next morning. If Im already wearing my yoga pants and sneakers, I have one less reason, not to work out.
Preparing your coffee the night before can add a refreshing start to your morning. Making cold brew coffee is a simple process. This method not only saves you precious morning minutes but also provides you with a smooth, rich coffee that’s less acidic and perfect for those warmer mornings or for anyone looking for a less harsh coffee option.
2. Morning meditation
It is scientifically proven that changing your breathing pattern to 6-10 deep breaths per minute restores balance to our stress-response system. Slowing your breath reduces anxiety and depression, increases energy, and strengthens the immune system. It will improve your mental concentration. Here’s my favorite meditation by Louise Hay.
3. Avoid stressors & implement positive affirmations to start your day in a positive way.
Every thought you think is creating your future. The only thing that maters is the thoughts you’re choosing to think now.
Louise Hay
It’s all about mindset.
I recommend staying off your phone the first 30 minutes after you wake up.
Why? Social media and emails. I literally avoid my phone like it’s the black plague.
Start your day slowly.
Open the blinds, and let that beautiful sunshine in. I usually turn on my diffuser which emits calming eucalyptus oil into the air. Eucalyptus is my favorite sent because it clears my sinuses and makes my room smell like a yoga studio 🙂
Make your bed. Sorry to sound like your mom, but putting your room in order is like putting your life in order.
While you’re making your bed and brushing your teeth make sure to repeat some affirmations to yourself. Affirmations repeated out loud sink into your subconscious mind and will improve your confidence.
Here are ten positive affirmations that always put me in a good mood:
- This day is the first day of the rest of my life.
- Today is the day a new chapter begins.
- Today I will make progress toward my goals.
- I believe in my ultimate potential.
- I am fulfilling my purpose in this world
- I will achieve great things, through small steps.
- My mind and my heart will remain open today.
- I release all the negativity within me and open myself up to happiness and opportunity.
- I give myself permission to go after what I want.
- I am fierce. I am unafraid. I am bold.
4. Compliment someone or create a gratitude journal
Give one genuine compliment to someone. Giving a compliment to someone can not only lift their spirits but lift your spirits as well. If no one’s around I like to tell my cat how much i love them and how cute they are – but that’s just me, the crazy cat lady.
There are so many things that happen in our lives that we take for granted. Taking a few minutes to remind yourself of how amazing life is, even when your going through a dark time, will instantly make you feel better. Trust me. Doing this will also increase your feelings of connectedness with other people.
Write in a journal
I keep a gratitude journal and write down all the things that I’m grateful for.
If you’re feeling extra ambitious I would suggest creating a list of goals or reviewing your most recent list. Jot down some actionable steps that you can accomplish during the day that will bring you closer to your biggest goals.
Another thing you can do is what I like to call a “thought dump”. I spend 5-10 minutes of throwing up whatever’s on my mind. Make sure to not stop while doing this, just write down anything that flows through your consciousness.
Another thing you can do is what I like to call a “thought dump”. I spend 5-10 minutes of throwing up whatever’s on my mind. Make sure to not stop while doing this, just write down anything that flows through your consciousness.
5. Put some relaxing music on
Put on your favorite song and pour some coffee for yourself – or some matcha tea if that’s your thing. This is my favorite time of the day. Here are two of my favorite mixes from youtube that instantly gets me pumped.
Listen to a podcast
I recently put together a list of podcasts that I really enjoy listening to. Podcasts are a great way to learn from experts the exact steps they took to achieve financial freedom, meaning, and happiness. Check out this post to see some of my favorites.
6. Eat a protein-filled breakfast
I used to eat cereal in the mornings or put my eggs in a tortilla. But ever since I started a keto diet I’ve cut all the bread/carbs and I FEEL SO GREAT.
Avocado is an excellent source of protein. Here are 16 ways to incorporate this delicious fruit into your breakfast. Also, here are some different ways to make eggs in case you are tired of your scrambled eggs routine.
Remember to drink a lot of water. Water does wonders for your health and wellness. Your body is comprised of about 55-60% water so making sure that you drink enough is absolutely vital to ensuring your mind and body function properly. Your body loses a lot of water during your sleep so staying hydrated will eliminate any feelings of sluggishness and foggy thoughts. Drinking water after waking up flushes toxins that have built up in your system overnight, and gives your metabolism a little boost. It also helps reduce stomach acidity and reduces symptoms of heartburn.
Many people put lemon in their water in the mornings, because lemon acts as a detoxifying agent and can help maintain digestive health, not to mention giving your body a dose of vitamin C.

7. Read something positive over breakfast
While I’m eating I love to read something. A lot of people watch tv in the mornings, but I don’t like tv. News nowadays is really negative. Shootings, hit-and-runs, robberies, and whatever else is going on in the world has no place in your morning routine. Let me repeat: other people’s problems are not your own. You’re doing work on yourself, you’re trying to live a positive and happy life.
Read a chapter from your favorite book. Some of my favorite uplifting books are:
- Meditations by Marcus Arealus
- The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
- You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
I head over to feedly.com which is a curation of all the blogs I follow, and read some of their recent posts. These bloggers will definitely put a smile on your face: Tinybudda, Brainpickings, and Zenhabits.
8. Workout
I like to take a walk around my neighborhood. Working out gets some fresh oxygen into your lungs and is good for recirculating the blood through your system. A morning workout will boost your energy and lessens inner doubts and tensions.
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9. Start with your most difficult task
I mentioned earlier that your most productive time is just after you wake up. Identify your most important task and start it. I suggest tackling your hardest task right after breakfast. Know that getting started is often the hardest part.
As you run through these events in your mind, visualize yourself achieving your major goals for the day. Think of all of the work you need to do like important phone calls, emails, and tasks, and imagine yourself completing these tasks with grace and confidence.
This is a good way to give yourself an easy win. Your day will feel better and brighter afterward.
Have you heard about the Pomodoro Technique?
Break your tasks into 25-minute intervals and take a break between intervals. This is how to start an upward spiral of positivity and good feelings within. And then take further steps upward towards what you know you really want and you know are the right things for you in your life.